Introduction to Teachers

Hi, I'm Iwona Wiszniewska and it's been pretty long since I started teaching English for the first time, but I still feel passionate about it. All this time I've been working both with primary and secondary students from Lublin, Poland. And now I've got this irresistible feeling that Erasmus 'Act for a Sustainable Life' project is just opening a new chapter in my life. Privately I'm keen on mountain biking, skiing and vegetarian cuisine. So, let the adventure start 😊

Hi! I'm Kasia Jaworska, I am an English teacher at a private primary and secondary school in Lublin, Poland. I have been involved in a grassroots movement to save our local forest and I am really passionate about sustainability and fighting climate change. I am really excited about our project 'Act for a Sustainable Life', which will inspire our students to engage with the issues concerning environmental problems. I am looking forward to working with an international team of enthusiastic and like-minded students and teachers who want to make a difference.
Arsaluis Luiza Ripeanu, Liceul Tehnologic "Lazar Edeleanu" Navodari, Romania

My friends call me Arsaluis, I am an English teacher and I am very passionate with life and children, used to hard working, travelling, reading, painting, everything related somehow to arts and foreign languages. I am looking forward to take part in this project and I, together with my students, think we can add value to an oustanding team of professionals. Link:

Hello everyone! My name is Alina Oprean, I am a tourism teacher at "Lazar Edeleanu" High School in Navodari, which is a very beautiful town on the Black Sea. I think it is a nice challenge to work with my students on this project that aims at sustainable living. The idea of the project will make us all aware of the importance of living in harmony with the environment. I look forward to the project activities!

Hello! I am Alina Bulgariu, a French language teacher from Romania. I work at a Technological High School located in Navodari, a beautiful city by the Black Sea. I am happy to be part of the Erasmus team and I also like to be involved in etwinning projects with my students and one of my favourite topics is the environment: environmental issues, environment protection, promotion of a sustainable life. I can't wait to work with you in the Erasmus + and eTwinning project. Good luck everyone!

Hi, I'm Fikret. I live in a city which is located by the black sea coast, Samsun. I have been working as an english teacher since 2002 and now keep working in an vocational high school with the students aged between 14-18. I m very proud of being part of the erasmus project which is called "Act for a sustainable life"